Product Description
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Credit notation is optional for personal use, but commercial use would be appreciated.
9 facial expressions + glasses
Size 1200 x 3000
Format ping
Expression and costume differences, costume additions, color changes, etc.
We will respond at an additional charge.
The price varies for each process, so please feel free to contact us with a message.
Notes】・・・Distribution to third parties, resale, or other similar activities.
Please refrain from secondary distribution, resale, self-promotion, use against public order and morals, and use for political or religious activities.
Moral rights are not waived.
Please purchase only if you agree that we may post images of your works and making-of videos on our portfolio, SNS, galleries, etc. (Please note that some or all of the images and videos may not be used in their entirety, but only a part of them. (We will take care to hide the images in part or text, or change the resolution of the images.)